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Business And Promotional Gifts Increase Sales

When you enter the private life of your client, you have hit the essence of good advertising. Adding usefulness and consequential satisfaction, you are already close to perfection. Now, think carefully about what kind of advertising can offer such feelings to your customers? Which type of promotion can easily achieve these goals, while building loyalty and highlighting values? And we have not mentioned yet the fact, that your logo or advertising message will be constantly on the eyes of the recipient and his surroundings. That’s not all! Promotional and business gifts are, according to research, also the cheapest form of advertising.

Autumn is the last time companies compile and approve the budget for the coming year. Last but not least, every independent entrepreneur knows that if he wants to earn in the next financial year, he must first know how he will spend money intended for promotion and development of his business. Business and promotional gifts were never just a statement of gratitude and respect, but a lot more. As a business relationship builder, they have a significant impact on the visibility and advertising of your business, and thus on your earnings.

Far from the eyes, far from the heart

This old saying is especially true for relationships with your business partners and customers. You don´t believe it? Take a look around your office, look at the desk and open some drawers. How many promotional products with a logo or a promotional message have you listed? That’s right! Each of us at the annual level receives a lot of promotional items and business gifts. But how do you know that you are well placed on the market with your promotional or business gifts? How can you know that your brand is still in the mind of a business partner and customer, and how it stands in comparison with the gifts of competition? Here are some reasons why we believe that every marketing strategy must also include promotional products as part of a yearly plan that will help you earn.
Effective, low cost marketing
Small businesses, who can only dream of huge advertising campaigns on all major media channels, are very aware of this. But the wise know that they can still achieve their marketing goals. How? With a much lower price campaign of promotional products and business gifts. As you can check on our website, there are many affordable products to launch an effective promotion of your business. But do not think that the low price of the product, means a low, small effect on the recipient. On the contrary, according to the PPAI (The Promotional Product Association International), business and promotional gifts are the sixth place in the marketing activities of successful businesses around the world. No wonder, they are extremely effective ambassadors of a company or brand in all generations.

Immediate brand recognition

Branding means that consumers can instantly remember your business, products or services when they notice your logo or promotional message on the product. This is one of the key reasons why a good part of the budget is invested in promotional products and business gifts. Did you know that consumers keep on average promotional products for at least 6 months and up to a year? Every time your customer looks at your product, you have imprinted your message in their memory. Such long lasting effects are very rare among any other type of advertising.

It works like your business card

Business cards have the task of representing you, your company and its products to consumers and potential business partners. Promotional products and business gifts also work more or less in the same way, but with better results. According to the PPAI survey, as many as 8 out of 10 respondents remember the message on the promotional product. Also, 8 out of 10 respondents answered that the company, after receiving a promotional gift, inquired from the Internet. Take advantage of this data, select promotional items and we will print your logos, QR codes, promotional messages, … there is almost no limit!

Premium Gifts = Free Print!

Let us reveal another excellent piece of PPAI research. As many as 83% of respondents answered that they were more likely to deal with a company from which they received a promotional or business gift. Therefore, do not delay and write a list of all your business partners as soon as possible, and set a budget for promotional activities. Then, review the selection of our premium business and promotional gifts, for which we now offer you a special benefit: FREE PRINT! The selected items are a great opportunity to get really good business gifts at a very affordable price.

For all selected products, we will be happy to imprint your logo or advertising message for FREE, anywhere there is technologically possible with no extra work. Send us your inquiry and we will be happy to prepare you a proposal and a draft of the print.

CAUTION: The action is valid when you purchase the minimum quantities listed on the product page of each item and only until the stock is not sold out. You will also find all the information about the type of print and the number of free colors on the product pages of selected gifts. The guarantee for quality of products and print is our many years of experience and more than 10,000 satisfied customers.

Some quick tips

  • Do not overdo with the amount of data on gifts. In most cases, the logo and website are sufficient. Have you ever noticed the Coca Cola logo and their phone number below?
  • Quality should be prior to quantity. Useful and high quality promotional gifts are not necessarily expensive. The confirmation of this thesis is the action presented above.
  • Do not insist on corporate colors, for they can sometimes drive you to thin ice. Read more about Business Gifts and Psychology in our blog.
  • Gift gifts all year long. The times when business and promotional gifts were given only for the New Year is long past.
  • Plan your purchase and delivery on time. Believe us, it’s worth it!

If we have not yet convinced you that business and promotional gifts are an effective and affordable promotion, keep up with us. Sooner or later you’ll find out!

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